Nasze kategorie wyszukiwania
Epoka muzyczna: romantyzm, 20 wiek do 1960
Obszar (język): austriacki, niemiecki
Instrumenty: fortepian, klarnet
Rodzaj: sonata, kwartet, kwintet
Epoka muzyczna: romantyzm, 20 wiek do 1960
Obszar (język): austriacki, niemiecki
Instrumenty: fortepian, klarnet
Rodzaj: sonata, kwartet, kwintet
Gal / Labor / Schmidt: Left Hand Legacy, Vol. 1
Cobra - COBRA 0087
Folke Nauta, piano
Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, clarinet
Prisma String Trio
Folke Nauta, piano
Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer, clarinet
Prisma String Trio
CD 1:
Ernest Walker:
Variations on an Original Theme
Josef Labor:
Sonata No. 3 in E major
Hans Gal:
Quartet in A major
CD 2:
Franz Schmidt:
Quintet in A major
Ernest Walker:
Variations on an Original Theme
Josef Labor:
Sonata No. 3 in E major
Hans Gal:
Quartet in A major
CD 2:
Franz Schmidt:
Quintet in A major
For far too long Paul Wittgenstein’s library was inaccessible to the world. Not before 2001 a pile of chamber music surfaced, specially composed for the pianist who commissioned Maurice Ravel’s Concerto for the Left Hand. These chamber music works have hardly ever been played since Wittgenstein premiered them in the 1920s and 30s.
On Left Hand Legacy five top-of-the-bill chamber musicians from The Netherlands join forces to pay tribute to this hidden treasure. They are determined to tell audiences all around the globe about this utterly special one-armed man Wittgenstein, in music and words, on stage and on CD.
The Dutch pianist Folke Nauta had to continue his career as a one-handed pianist, after focal dystonia affected his right hand. Wittgenstein was his model and this trove of chamber music was his salvation. There was just one complicating factor: Wittgenstein’s library had become dispersed throughout the world. Nauta tracked down the original manuscripts in Austrian and English archives, still containing Wittgenstein’s furiously scribbled annotations. The quintet formation of piano, clarinet and string trio is a consistent feature of Wittgenstein’s chamber music legacy. So Nauta approached the clarinetist Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer and Prisma String Trio. Together they launched the Wittgenstein Project, with the aim of bringing the music back to life and telling Wittgenstein’s extraordinary tale of misery, struggle and artistic triumph.
In the chamber music setting the one-handed piano is treated like a different instrument; full and rich whilst retaining a transparent sound. All four composers were famous in their time, composed in a late romantic idiom, and therefore became somewhat overshadowed by their modernist colleagues. It says enough, that this album features two world premiere recordings; Ernst Walker’s Variations on an Original Theme and Josef Labor’s Sonata no.3 in E major.
Recording: MuziekHaven, Zaandam, The Netherlands, 2, 3 & 4 May, 1, 2 & 3 September 2022. Piano: Chris Maene Straight Strung Parlor Grand CM//228.
On Left Hand Legacy five top-of-the-bill chamber musicians from The Netherlands join forces to pay tribute to this hidden treasure. They are determined to tell audiences all around the globe about this utterly special one-armed man Wittgenstein, in music and words, on stage and on CD.
The Dutch pianist Folke Nauta had to continue his career as a one-handed pianist, after focal dystonia affected his right hand. Wittgenstein was his model and this trove of chamber music was his salvation. There was just one complicating factor: Wittgenstein’s library had become dispersed throughout the world. Nauta tracked down the original manuscripts in Austrian and English archives, still containing Wittgenstein’s furiously scribbled annotations. The quintet formation of piano, clarinet and string trio is a consistent feature of Wittgenstein’s chamber music legacy. So Nauta approached the clarinetist Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer and Prisma String Trio. Together they launched the Wittgenstein Project, with the aim of bringing the music back to life and telling Wittgenstein’s extraordinary tale of misery, struggle and artistic triumph.
In the chamber music setting the one-handed piano is treated like a different instrument; full and rich whilst retaining a transparent sound. All four composers were famous in their time, composed in a late romantic idiom, and therefore became somewhat overshadowed by their modernist colleagues. It says enough, that this album features two world premiere recordings; Ernst Walker’s Variations on an Original Theme and Josef Labor’s Sonata no.3 in E major.
Recording: MuziekHaven, Zaandam, The Netherlands, 2, 3 & 4 May, 1, 2 & 3 September 2022. Piano: Chris Maene Straight Strung Parlor Grand CM//228.